Kundalini Reiki


Kundalini Sessions

Each Session is approximately 30 minutes and can include DNA recoding, Past Life Healing, Location Healing, Diamond Activation, Crystalization removal, Location Karma Healing, Birth Trauma Healing and more. Please note that some types of Kundalini Reiki require a commitment of 2 or more sessions.

Kundalini Reiki I, II, III Training

What is Kundalini Reiki


Where did Kundalini Come From?

Kundalini Reiki came from Ascended Master Kuthumi and was developed by Ole Gabrielsen. It is a user-friendly, simple and strong Reiki modality. It differs from other Reiki methods in that there are no symbols or hand positions to remember.

  • All who are interested in learning Kundalini Reiki must begin with Kundalini Reiki 1, even though you may have attunements from other systems.

    The Kundalini Reiki Attunements 1-2-3 are taken as 3 separate attunements spread over a period of approx. 10 days, or longer if you prefer. They are available as a complete package.

    Kundalini Reiki is offered as a remote/long distance course.

  • Kundalini Reiki 1

    The Kundalini Reiki 1 attunement opens the healing channels to allow channelling of Reiki energy. At the same time, you are prepared for the safe Kundalini awakening in Kundalini Reiki 2. The crown, heart and hand chakras are opened/strengthened. You are taught to perform a complete healing treatment and to heal remotely from a distance. Kundalini Reiki 1 is the equivalent of the USUI Reiki 1-2-3 attunements (except that you cannot yet attune others).

    Kundalini Reiki 2

    Kundalini Reiki 2 strengthens the Reiki channels. The Kundalini awakening, where the main energy channel opens gently and surely, alighting the Kundalini “fire”, reaches the solar plexus chakra, preparing for the full Kundalini rising in Kundalini Reiki 3. You are also taught a specific meditation. When you perform this meditation, you increase for a short time, the power of the flame in the Kundalini fire/energy. In this way, all the chakras/energy systems are enlightened and a cleansing takes place. (Minimum 2 days after Kundalini Reiki 1).

    Kundalini Reiki 3 - Kundalini Reiki Master

    Kundalini Reiki 3 strengthens the previous attunements and the throat, solar plexus, hara and root chakras are opened. The Kundalini “fire” is strengthened and reaches up and out of the crown chakra - full rising of the Kundalini takes place. You will learn how to attune crystals and other objects, so that they can act as Reiki channels. You will also be taught how to pass on Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3. (Minimum 7 days after Kundalini Reiki 2).

    The full course includes the following:

    Kundalini Reiki 1 attunement

    Kundalini Reiki 2 attunement

    Kundalini Reiki 3 - Master attunement, which also includes the following extra attunements:


    Diamond Reiki

    Crystalline Reiki

    DNA Reiki

    Birth Trauma Reiki

    Location Reiki

    Past Life Reiki

    Kundalini Reiki course manual in PDF format (this will be available to download from your confirmation email).

    Ongoing email support.

    Kundalini Reiki 3 - Master certificate of completion

    After your purchase has been confirmed, you will be contacted by separate email with instructions for receiving your Kundalini Reiki attunements.