Light Council
The Light Council is a group of divine beings who have collectively come together to work through me as a facilitator of healing. They consist of Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Jesus Christ, Lazarus, Ascended Masters, Isis, Archangels from the Angelic Realm, Intergalictic and Multi-Dimensional Beings of Light (such as Hathors, Pleiadians, Syrians, Acrturians, Lemurians and so forth) and many more.
In the end of 2018 I became very ill and was on my death bed for 8 months. I got rid of my belongings, said my goodbyes and we all believed I was going to pass. Instead, my higher Self became the “driver” of my body (instead of my ego) and my whole life changed. This is when I began being more aware of the support I had around me and I began working daily with what is now my Light Council.
This team works directly through me while working through your team and the healing that comes through is profound, guided and makes remarkable shifts in very short times. These beings are the highest frequency beings available to us and it is my profound honor to facilitate their healings.
Schedule a Session with the Light Council
I will ask guidance from them before our sessions to make sure it is appropriate to work together and they will also give me information about you and what is best for you at this time.