Begin the Process

What is happening with my money??

One of the realities of being alive is that we must work with the illusion of value in the form of money. We form our identities around whether or not we are able to “make” money or do enough to “earn” a higher value.

The issue of “not having enough” is not about money, but our own forgetting where we came from and who we are. Because we have been in such karmic loops playing out from the past, that we have fallen asleep and our now living out our nightmare of being alone, not enough, not smart enough, not good enough and if that wasn’t the truth we would be millionaires.

"Money is karma, it is illusion, it is testing and it is Shakti! It is God's money, and you are the temporary caretaker. Use it to do good works, dharma without attachment. It comes and it goes. Don't be attached. Be grateful for whatever you have in the moment. Live your dharma (purpose path). Then Lakshmi cannot leave you and Maya loses interest in testing you."

-- Sri Kaleshwar

Money Karma

Each of us has a very distinct karma (energetic pattern) with the energy of money and in order to begin flowing the currency of money through giving and receiving, we must break through our karmas and blocks around money.

Now is the time to awaken to your connection to the most abundant being of all God, Source, Mother. You are a child of the Divine Mother. She has all things and created all things. You are as part of Her in your Her world. Let us reconnect with Her and ask her, as a child asks their mother, for the flow to come once more.

Invite More Wealth Into your Life

Connect with the Divine Mother in charge of abundance- both financial and spiritual - and receive her gifts and blessings.

We are fortunate to have ancient processes that were created for US at this exact time, in this time cycle, that a beloved Indian Saint, Sri Kaleshwar has revealed for us in order to help us create a relationship with the Divine Mother character who gives boons (material and spiritual blessings).

Unlock one of the secrets to more wealth now.

Begin shifting your material and spiritual karma through the blessing and grace of the mother.

Choose Your Donation

  • It is important, when learning the energy of money, to understand that everything in this world of duality has a give and take. Therefore, if you are struggling financially at this time, this is a gift for you and we ask only $4 as a gesture of the law of exchange. If you can afford more, please choose one of the other options, as it will serve us in being able to do more service to others who truly are suffering and it will serve YOU karmically, and thus everyone wins. Blessings. Donate

  • DonateIt is important, when learning the energy of money, to understand that everything in this world of duality has a give and take. Therefore, if you are struggling financially at this time, this is a gift for you and we ask only $8 as a gesture of the law of exchange. If you can afford more, please choose one of the other options, as it will serve us in being able to do more service to others who truly are suffering and it will serve YOU karmically, and thus everyone wins. Blessings

  • It is important, when learning the energy of money, to understand that everything in this world of duality has a give and take. Therefore, if you are struggling financially at this time, this is a gift for you and we ask only $15 as a gesture of the law of exchange. If you can afford more, please choose one of the other options, as it will serve us in being able to do more service to others who truly are suffering and it will serve YOU karmically, and thus everyone wins. Blessings Donate

  • It is important, when learning the energy of money, to understand that everything in this world of duality has a give and take. Therefore, if you are struggling financially at this time, this is a gift for you and we ask only $22 as a gesture of the law of exchange. Thank you for your honesty in choosing this option, as it will serve us in being able to do more service to others who truly are suffering and it will serve YOU karmically, and thus everyone wins. Blessings DonateDonate
