Reiki II Certification

Self-Paced, online training and certification in Reiki Level II as a Practitioner of traditional Usui Ryoho Reiki. Must have be attuned to Reiki I (either with me or a certified Reiki Master Teacher)

Register and Begin Course Immediately. Live Attunement and Question and Answer Session is Scheduled after you complete the course material.

Learn to give high frequency Universal Life Force energy to clients in person and across all distances.

Reiki Level II Certification

REIKI II Certification

If you have completed Reiki Level I, you may move to Reiki II after at least 21 days. Reiki II is the practitioner’s sacred symbol activation and master techniques in working with energy while learning techniques to working with clients. This training focuses on the opening of the heart chakra, the center of the chest energetic system which provides us with being able to communicate between the higher realms and the physical plain. It is the center of giving and receiving and must be opened and activated in order to provide healing for others.

What Happens During this Reiki Level 2 Certification Process . . .

  • Symbol learning and activation: You will be required to make the symbols themselves for your healing sessions

  • Chakra deepening: You will take a deeper dive into your 12 chakra systems and other healing modalities that work in conjunction with the Reiki energy, activating the Archangels and divine beings who manage each center, as well as learning your prominent Chakra and how to work with this in your work as a healer. You will gain access to a comprehensive chakra course complete with transmissions and instructional practices to harmonize your chakras for FREE ($697 Value) as part of the training

  • Working with Your Clients: You will be learning the protocols, techniques and best practices for working with clients.

  • Your Spiritual Reiki Team: You will call in and establish your spiritual team who will be guiding you during your work and develop a plan for a deeper and clearer working relationship with your spiritual team

  • Understanding Sacred Geometry and how to use light, sound and geometry for ultimate access to the powers of healing

It is suggested that students wait a period of several months before moving to the Master Level in order to work with the energies and integrate more thoroughly.

Reiki II Training Curriculum

Self-Paced Program with a Live Session with Shanti, Reiki Master, where you will demonstrate your symbol drawings, ask questions and receive a private attunement to the Second Degree Reiki Energy.


Introduction to Reiki II

This is a new level of commitment and awareness. You will be introduced to the protocols of being a Reiki II Practitioner and working ethically with others for an exchange of value. You will be moving from a carrier of symbols and a light worker to actually creating the symbols for use in working with others professionally.


Session Techniques

You will go through how to affectively and ethically work with clients, standard procedures, problem solving issues regarding working with others. You will also have exercises which will assist you in strengthening your energetic flow and listening to the guidance you are receiving during sessions.

The Symbols

The symbols for a Reiki II Practitioner will be placed in your auric field. You will also gain the symbol which will give you the ability to work remotely, which means you can assist people who are anywhere on the planet. This level means you are not just a carrier of the symbols but now you are a creator of them as well. You will learn the correct method of drawing them so that you will be able to call on them where ever and whenever you need.



You will receive a private attunement where you will receive the activation of sacred symbols in to your system. This will be scheduled privately.

Your 12 Chakra Systems

You will receive in depth training on your energetic systems, where they are, what they are for and how to work with them. You will also receive access to my in depth course (when available) on working with and balancing your chakras ( a 7 week recorded course valued at $297)


A Reiki II Manual

You will be able to download a PDF of the symbols and topics we covered in your training.