Reiki I Certification

The Self-paced, online training and certification program based on The Traditional Usui Reiki Method.

Upon Registration, you will receive immediate access to the Course Material.

After completion of the course material, you will have a One on One Q&A and Attunement Session with Shanti, Master Reiki Teacher and Practitioner.

Reiki I level of certification will allow you to give high frequency Universal Life Force energy to your self, family and friends.

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key), is an alternative medicine therapy which is used as a therapeutic method of reducing stress, promoting healing and facilitates deep relaxation. “Reiki” is a Japanese ideogram “Rei” which means spiritual wisdom and “Ki” which means life force. Put together, Reiki means the life force directed by spiritual wisdom.

Life force energy ( known as “Ki”, “Chi”, “Holy Spirit”, “Prana”, or “Qi”) is the fundamental energy of all of life. It carries high frequency information to all living things. Ki can be flowing freely where it offers intelligence, vitality and maintains your physical body, energetic and mental body functioning optimally. Sometimes, the energy can get stuck or blocked as a function of many different causes such as natural or traumatic life events, ancestral DNA, environmental pollutants or even negative mental or eating habits. The blockages of Ki can result in more trauma, illness, pain, lack of sleep and an overall disruption in the enjoyment of life.

Traditional Usui Ryoho Reiki was developed by Dr. Usui in the 1930’s and now there are over 30 offshoots of Reiki.

Over 800 hospitals across the United States and many more around the world offer Reiki as a way to enhance medical treatments and has been shown to improve recovery rates. Reiki can be used on yourself and for clients.

Reiki Level One Certification

REIKI Level I Certification- Traditional Usui Ryoho Reiki

Reiki level I is the initiation into working with Universal Life Force energy and is opened to everyone. This certification does not have to be followed by Reiki II or III and is not used to treat clients, but rather for your own self healing.

What Happens During this Reiki Level 1 Certification Process . . .

You will be given modules which include videos that go through the 70+ page manual. You will hear examples and will be walked through the traditional steps of which Mikao Usui intended and laid out for students to undergo this exciting process of attuning to Reiki I. After you go through the 3+hours of video and reading the corresponding material which prepares you for this energy and the responsibility it carries, you will answer a few questions to make sure you have understood the material correctly. Upon passing this quiz, you will be able to schedule a private session with Shanti where you can ask any questions you have about working with Reiki and you will then have a private, live ceremony of attunement to this Reiki Energy.

This Reiki level 1 attunement focuses on opening the energy channels of the student and implementing the sacred Reiki symbols into the students auric field, which allows the student to open to the flow of Reiki Energy, the Universal Life Force Energy. and be able to call on the activation of this energy at the student’s discretion. This attunement is done by using the techniques passed down to us by Mikao Usui, the bringer of Reiki Method. This course will expand your mind to new possibilities of what your life could be as a spiritual being having a human experience. The course does so by creating and holding a space for you to begin working more consciously with the power of subtle energy while cultivating your ability and power through the conscious use of your intention

What is included in Reiki I Training

  • 70+ page Comprehensive Reiki I Manual

  • Your Energetic channels are opened and symbols installation

  • Comprehensive Training in the principles of traditional Usui Ryoho Reiki

  • Live Attunement and Q&A One on One Session via Zoom (or live if in Milwaukee area)

  • Certification as a Reiki I Practitioner

  • Guides and How To’s on how to perform Reiki healings on self, family and friends

  • Daily Meditation Recording leading you through the Reiki essentials and self-healing using your new Reiki Energy

  • Training on how to work with the energy more powerfully with your self and with others

Benefits of Reiki I Certification and Training

According to

1. Attunement Process with the Universe

Reiki connects you to universal energy, thereby allowing you access to healing for yourself whenever you might need it. Plus, being plugged into the Universe means you can balance your body, mind, and spirit by spending some time each day devoted to self-healing.

2. Connection to Your Spirituality

Reiki brings you closer to your Higher Self, which is an essential part of anyone’s spirituality. The perks of being more in tune with your High Self include being more intuitive, helping you make better decisions and giving an overall feeling of wholeness as if a missing piece of your life’s puzzle has fallen into place.

3. Deep Relaxation

Happier people live longer. It’s a fact. Lowering the stress in your life is essential to keeping illnesses and ailments at bay from your body. Reiki is an excellent tool for keeping your heart and mind calm and connected to an inner peace that will be an asset in troubled times. You will gain a sense of real self-purpose and inner clarity that may have eluded you previously.

4. Health Benefits of the Body

We put natural wear and tear on our bodies on a daily basis, whether through exercise or simply walking around the office. Between that and the toxins in our environment, our bodies are in desperate need of healing. Self-healing on a physical level helps prevent sickness, whether it’s one you’ve already had or one that you may have, and aids our injuries in healing fully. There is a plethora of ailments that Reiki helps soothe, from mild back pain to even cancer, according to Reiki experts.

5. Direction for Your Life

Once again, you are more plugged into the Universe through the practice of Reiki. Therefore, you will be much closer to finding your true purpose and calling through learning Reiki, as you become reconnected with the Divine in your life. Let your mind be opened up through practicing Reiki, thus freeing up yourself and your spirit.

6. Giving Back

Ever felt like helping people, but you were totally unsure of how to go about this? Reiki extends to more than yourself in its healing. This is a gift that many would count as invaluable in their lives. Imagine helping people be free of injuries that have plagued them for years, or giving them a sense of inner peace! Giving back like this is truly its own reward.

7. Perspective

Reiki has the potential to turn your whole life around for the better if you self-Reiki every day and listen to your intuition. Life becomes a whole lot more clear, and you begin to understand what’s actually important in your life, and what is excess and unnecessary. Even things in your life like your relationships come into focus. Who is actually your friend? Who is just there for an easy ride? You’ll find out quickly when you start trying something “weird” like Reiki!

8. Emotional Healing

We all carry some kind of emotional trauma in our lives. No one’s life has been perfect. While we all accept that, we don’t all realize that we also carry the energy from these negative experiences. This trauma may be affecting us entirely, in our bodies, our hearts, and our spiritualities. Reiki can free us by helping us release the energy attached to the hardships of our past. Once this has been achieved, you are finally free to be yourself.

9. Self-Development

Reiki can change the way you deal with life and people in a way that is much healthier for you. It might not happen in a conscious manner, but it’ll quickly become apparent that when someone tries to take advantage of you. For example, you will push back, defend yourself, and demand more respect. Reiki helps you love yourself so that you can learn to love others and ask others to love you, as well.

10. “The Art of Inviting Happiness”

The founder of Reiki, Dr. Mikao Usui, described Reiki as the “art of inviting happiness.” Doesn’t that sound like something everyone could use in their lives? Often, people don’t know what happiness actually is, and seek material gains or the next promotion. But having a really, truly happy life goes far beyond that. Happiness comes from a profound understanding of the Universe and knowing your place there, which is exactly what Reiki sets out to do.


Reiki I students are introduced into the fundamental principles of living as a light worker (someone who has committed to bringing positive, high frequency energy to the planet).

Some of the fundamentals this course offers you:

  • Learning and committing to the 5 principles of Reiki

  • Learn Health recommendations specifically for light workers to ensure optimum energy function

  • Introduction and understanding of your various energy channels

  • Gain hands on experience of the world of subtle energies and learn techniques to increasing your subtle energy awareness, intuition, and the extra-sensory capabilities

  • Learn hand positions for Self-Healing

  • Learn meditations and breathing techniques to utilize more of your healing power

  • You will learn ways to create a sacred and protective space

  • You will learn clearing techniques for you, your space and your clients

We encourage Reiki I students to use this initial initiation primarily as a way of self-healing and healing for family and friends. Self-healing clears the obstacles and low frequency from the student practitioner which provides the experience of a higher quality of life and thus makes you a clear vessel for healing others.

Students will go into a 21 day physical, mental and energetic detox and recalibration after the energy attunement. Students are encouraged to maintain a clean diet without alcohol, sugar, heavy meats, and to practice with their new energy channels daily to grow their new abilities and also increase their awareness and power. Students will receive a guided meditation which they can use each day on their 21 day journey that assists you in cultivating a spiritual practice with your newly attuned Reiki Energy.

Some Symptoms of a Reiki Attunement from Past Students:

  • Students tend to feel their palms tingling and their palms may activate whenever they think about healing or if they are in need of healing or even sometimes they will have tingling palms when they are getting messages that someone near them may need healing.

  • Some students gain a clearer connection to their intuition and other psychic abilities begin to surface

  • Some students get flu like symptoms or feel an excess of emotions rise up. This clearing of these emotions is so important for our health as well as our ability to take on higher frequencies of Light.

  • Some students have intense dreams which are pointing a new path for the student or providing clarity to long held questions or areas of confusion.

  • Some students feel a sense of love and bliss that they have never felt or haven’t felt in a very long time.

  • Some students feel a sense of excitement about their life for the first time in a long time.

  • Some students start to communicate with Divine Beings in more powerful ways.

  • Some students can experience sensations such as coolness or heat in their body, stomach grumbling, involuntary body twitches, seeing flashes of light or hearing messages.

    Due to the intensity of this activation, it is recommended that a Reiki Level I student take at LEAST 21 days of integration before continuing on to Reiki II.

Reiki I Training Curriculum

A LIVE ATTUNEMENT and Pre-recorded Class and 70+ page Manual download so that you can go through the material at your own pace.


History of Reiki

You will learn the history of the energy and how it came to be and the various uses and benefits of this energetic modality. Lineage is important when choosing a spiritual path because the tradition and energy of the Master teachers before you carve out a path for you that will assist you on your journey. In this lineage you will be veery close in line to the man who brought us this beautiful modality, Mikao Usui. This assures the the connection to his teaching and to the Life Force Energy is pure and strong!


Self-Healing Modalities

You will learn various ways of self-healing with the energy so that you can begin working with the energy and removing your own blocks from your system. You will be given a daily meditation which talks you through the main areas of self-healing recommended by Dr. Usui for Reiki Practitioners.


You will learn the 5 Reiki Principles which are the foundation of the life of all Reiki Practitioners. These are commitments for which we strive each day to uphold. You will also learn the 3 Pillars of Reiki which lead you through the sacred practice of opening sessions and calling in the Reiki energy to flow through your body and out of your hands to whatever you choose for your subject.



We will call in your ancestors who will help guide you through the Reiki process of healing. You will receive an attunement where the energy channels are opened, sacred symbols are imprinted into your auric fields and activated so that you can begin working right away with this energy.

Subtle Energy Work

You will receive an introduction to your energetic body, your subtle energy which includes your auric field and chakras. You will learn how energy works and moves and ways to experience your own energetic bodies and increase your energy flow.

You will learn about the power of intention and how to activate your intentional powers for manifestation and optimal healings.


Increase Psychic Abilities

You will receive instructions and exercises which you can do in order to begin expanding your awareness and intuition centers. This will be in the 65+ page manual as well as a guided meditation taking your through the 5 Principle, 3 Pillars, self-healing and blue light meditations for daily practice and growth of your new skills. Your manual will also include working with pendulums, kinesiology, clearing spaces and providing protected spaces and holding sacred space for others.

You will walk away with a certification stating that you are now a certified Reiki Level 1 Practitioner. You will have symbols placed in your auric field which act as a sign to dark and light forces that you are a light worker. You will have your healing chakras activated and the channels opened, and you will this energy flow through you! You will be able to do self-healings as well as healings for your friends, loved ones, spaces, pets, plants, food, water, and supplements — creating an environment of unconditional love throughout your life!