You are invited to embark on a Free Shamanic Journey

This journey will take you to a beautiful sacred spot where you will meet a power animal or luminous being who will support you in seeing how blessed and gifted you truly are.

What is Shamanism?

The first Shamans were said to have originated from Northern Asia, in the region called Siberia. The word shaman, which means “Holy Man”, originates from the Tungus tribe in Siberia. Shamans have the ability to journey to the Upper, Middle and Underworlds in order to reclaim fragmented soul parts, inherited and abandoned gifts, remove curses and blockages in the soul momentum strands, as well as re-write outdated contracts and heal ancestral wounds. Shamans have the ability to heal the physical body by actually healing the soul. To restore spiritual order, shamans conduct rituals that often involve singing, drumming, working with crystals or stones, calling in sacred archetypes and dancing.

What is Shamanic Lineage?

The journey to becoming a Shaman begins with being initiated into a lineage of Ancient Wisdom Keepers and Elders who assist on all healings and rituals. The Shaman goes through the medicine wheel and cultivates their Mesa, gathering their cuyas (sacred healing stones) and doing fire ceremonies and various other Ancient rituals which transmute the human into a Shaman - a holy person of service for the highest good.

My lineage is that of the Andes, in the Amazon. My Shamanic Elder is Dr. Villoldo who runs the Four Winds. My lineage has known that true healing is awakening to your healed nature and your experience of communion with the Creator. As an energy medicine practitioner and health coach, I have the honor of carrying this amazing lineage and wisdom, giving you direct access to the healing technologies of the ancient ones in order to transform your body, soul and mind.


How Does a Shamanic Session Work?

Shamanism is a divine feminine practice which communes with Mother Earth and nature in order to bring balance and harmony between the elements of the human and within the human and also with nature and the Divine Mother. Rituals, ancestral healing, intuition, diet, exercise, sacred journeys, imagination, dreaming the world into being, are all foundations of the work of a Shaman.

In our work together, we will explore the Upper, Middle and Underworlds. You will be introduced to your power animals, recover and integrate soul fragmentations, reset your parasympathetic system, discover and re-write soul contracts that have been keeping you from your full potential, heal ancestral traumas and patterns and much more. This is a sacred journey that will enhance your understanding and vision of your true nature.

The Shaman’s Four Main Causes of Illness

  • Fear

    Fear has become a way of life in our culture. Everywhere we look, there are reports and frequencies of fear attempting to entrain our thoughts and behaviors into fearing almost everything. The constant looming threats scientifically chip away at our immune systems. And this continually running fear for long periods of time can lead to higher stress and anxiety (which causes heart and blood disorders), depression and anxiety disorders (which causes physical pain and dis-ease) and a suppression of your ability to live as a sovereign human being.

  • Disharmony

    After long term states of running the frequency of fear, we will experience disharmony. Disharmony is a disconnect from your true Self. You split into several different parts of you and they don’t tend to work well together or maybe they don’t even acknowledge the existence of the other. The systems in your body (mental, physical and emotional) no longer function together. Each system now in survival mode. This is the ultimate sense of a loss of power. It can happen after a death, or massive amounts of stress. Anger, confusion, deep depression and excessive worry are all benchmarks of this state and will lead to physical and emotional illness and even a spiritual crisis.

  • Neglect

    Every living being has basic needs - the need to nourish one’s self with healthy and life giving food and water, the need to bathe and keep physical, mental and spiritual maintenance of one’s self, the need to have a safe, secure and pleasant living environment, and the need to show and receive love. When these needs are not met or due to the other stages of illness (fear or disharmony), areas of one’s life are neglected, the body can go into a fight, flight or freeze mode, perpetuating the survival mode where the immune system is shut down, and growth or wellness can no longer be accomplished until homeostasis is established within all the systems.

  • Soul Loss

    Soul loss occurs in a few different ways. On the milder side of a truly devastating experience, one will feel a loss of will to live, and on the even more serious side, a fragment of a soul will either be cast out and rejected or will choose to leave because the situation is too dire for them to remain. This leads to a prolonged feeling of hopelessness, emptiness, and as if something is missing - a whole that cannot be filled.

Benefits to Shamanic Sessions


“I know the power of regular Shamanic healings because they continue to create wholeness in my clients.”

— Shanti Lleone

Schedule a Shamanic Session

Shanti is a certified Energy Medicine Practitioner and Health Coach from The Four Winds, in the Amazonian Andes Lineage, the Earth Keepers of Peru.