February’s SNOW MOON

“May the higher wisdom flow down from the heavens into your heart, dear one, renewing your spirit and shedding new light on all that you are.”- Shanti


In February, the Snow Moon marks the time of renewal of the spirit. Cyclically, it is the time when animals begin to come out of rest and hibernation.

Expect to begin to see things in a new light and embrace your inner renewal of spirit.

Journaling our experiences allows us to keep track of where we are and how we are moving forward in our magickal journey.

The Spiritual Meaning of Snow is a form of knowledge. Water descending from a high place to a lower place represents knowledge flowing from a higher reality down to mundane life. Snow is, in mystical terms, an intermediary between higher reality and mundane life.

Ways to Invoke the Energy of the Snow Moon

  • Ignite your light.

    Take a white candle and as you hold it in your hands, say “Hold now, the eternal wisdom of the creator and illuminate my heart and home with divine wisdom now.” Light your candle and safely light for each day of the month.

  • Write From Your Heart.

    Write daily in your journal all that comes from your heart, allowing whatever needs to be said to flow onto the paper without judgement, or censure. After you have completed your thoughts each day, write on a blank page, an intention you would like to hold for the day. “I intend to_____ on this day”.

  • Release it.

    Fold the intention up and place it at your heart, imagining a golden light flowing into the paper as an activation of your manifestation for the day. Then safely burn the paper, watching the transmutation of intention burn away into the realm of possibilities. Know that your prayer has been answered and support is lining up to assist you.