
Mastery begins with the willingness to learn. The following methods of self-expansion are taken from life-times and years of committed study, processing and experience with the Sacred Ancient Wisdoms of our world. If you are not sure where to start, please email me to set up a FREE 15 minute consultation.

  • Kundalini Reiki Attunements (1-3)

    Kundalini (raw evolutionary force) Reiki (universal life force energy) is a powerful and straightforward healing technique that does not require intensive study or the use of complex procedures. Through a series of 3 attunements, your kundalini is activate and you are opened as a channel for the life force energy to pour through for self healing or others (including clients).

  • Holy Womb Chakra Porcess

    A powerful technology for true Soul Power embodiment- clear your karmas and negative baggage!

    The Womb Chakra is not your second chakra or even a womb. It is a power spot which all humans have. It is the seat of your power, of your creativity and your divine essence. Over time, you can get bogged down with heartbreaks and karmas, thus causing a break in the flow and connection of your Womb Chakra. Purification of this center is an MUST if you have suffered any sort of loss, trauma, or wounding.

  • Prosperity Process

    A donation based offering which gives you ancient technology designed to give you a direct portal to abundance. If you are wanting to bring more financial and spiritual abundance into your life, this has been designed with you in mind. There is a minimal donation required to access this information. The donation not only helps us be able to do more of these outreach programs for others, but it also is for YOUR benefit because with every spiritual exchange, there is karma incurred for the one who is receiving a process for free. This donation will ensure that you have no added karma in your cosmic debt so that you may focus on receiving abundance. Blessings!

  • Soul Journey Through the Chakras Transmission Experience

    This program is a deep dive into the 12 chakra system. Each chakra has a channeled meditation and experiential journey in which you receive a transmission from Goddess and Angels. You have very comprehensive suggestions to balance, experience and release each chakra (from yoga, Qi Gong, Eating recommendations, sound healing, mantras and more!)

    Clear, Open and Harmonize your 12 Main Chakras: Become a Source of Peace, Love and 5D Consciousness in the New World

  • The Divine Mother Rose Activation Ceremonies

    From the days of Isis,

    High Priests and Priestesses have been activating the high frequency Christ Codes in devoted seekers so that each person may cultivate a deeper relationship with Divine Mother and thus unlock their own gifts and divine purpose.

    These Divine Mother Rose Activation ceremonies are based on these ancient rituals but with a twist for the new energies of today. These rituals were received by such beings as Mary, Magdalen, and Jesus to initiate the opening of Divine Channels. And now you have the opportunity to walk the same path.

  • 5 Element Activations

    The Five Elements Process™ opens an individual’s spiritual channels to connect directly with the cosmic energy. It brings the highest peace, opens the heart, increases willpower and mental clarity, and creates positive protection circles around you. Your mind naturally becomes very peaceful and relaxed, enabling you to meditate easily. Wisdom grows spontaneously and your life automatically becomes more successful.

    This process reveals how to use the divine power of the elements to heal stress, depression and mental and physical disorders, to send healing energy over long distances, and to open channels that enable you to communicate with the angels. The Five Elements Process™ is the basic knowledge underlying all of the ancient systems revealed by Swami Kaleshwar.. (from

  • Reiki I Attunement

    REIKI Level I Certification- Traditional Usui Ryoho Reiki

    Reiki level I is the initiation into working with Universal Life Force energy and is opened to everyone. This certification does not have to be followed by Reiki II or III and is not used to treat clients, but rather for your own self healing.

  • Reiki II Certification

    If you have completed Reiki Level I, you may move to Reiki II after at least 21 days. Reiki II is the practitioner’s sacred symbol activation and master techniques in working with energy while learning techniques to working with clients. This training focuses on the opening of the heart chakra, the center of the chest energetic system which provides us with being able to communicate between the higher realms and the physical plain. It is the center of giving and receiving and must be opened and activated in order to provide healing for others.

  • Reiki III Master Teacher Certification

    Become a certified Reiki Master